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Different Countries Working Together

Essential to the successful functioning of this committee are the support and resources granted by

the national cueing organizations. In addition to pledging their support, the following organizations recognize the Académie in its mission to maintain standards and ensure the integrity of the adaptations of cueing. 

We welcome the participation of other national cueing organizations in countries around the world. We wish to encourage diversity in the composition of our Académie membership and within the languages  we represent. We greatly appreciate the support of our generous patrons and donors who enable us to continue this work toward our mission.



A Capella is a foundation that supports the social, educational, and professional integration of deaf and hard of hearing people through le Langage Parlé Complété (LPC) – French Cued Speech.



The ALPC is the national Cued Speech association serving France. They offer programs teaching cueing and supporting families in implementing it in the hope. They offer a cue camp (or "stage") each summer where attendees attend various levels of cued French, cued English, and talks on related topics. 




Founded in 1983, the Association pour les Langues Parlées Complétées (ALPC) aims to promote the training, practice and dissemination of LPC throughout Switzerland to people who are deaf and hard of-hearing, their families, and to professionals and institutions centered around deafness
for all audiences. The ALPC - Suisse offers courses and cue camps, regional practice groups, activities and outings, and special weekend events for cueing youth. The organization produces useful and relevant information (documents to download, books, press articles, etc.)


United Kingdom

Cued Speech UK (CSUK) is a registered charity run by cuers (both parents and professionals) who provide information about and training in Cued Speech throughout the UK. Their aim is to give deaf and hearing-impaired babies, children and adults full access to English through Cued Speech so that they can acquire the communication and literacy skills they need to reach their potential.


United States

Language Matters trains and provides qualified cued language transliterators. They offer cued, spoken, and signed language materials and services.

Our Patrons: Clients


We are grateful to the following organizations who recognize AISAC.

LPC Logo BIG @.jpg

Association de la Langue française Parlée Complétée – Belgique

ALPC Belgique aims to develop and promote French CS in Belgium. Its main goals are to increase cueing use through training via courses, on-demand training, and summer cue camps and dissemination of information by participating in conferences and events. ALPC Belgique provides transliteration, support for speech therapy students, and creates and disseminates of teaching materials.


Cued Speech South Africa

The purpose of CSSA is to inform, equip and support parents, professionals and other interested people who have a passion for addressing language and literacy needs of deaf children and adults using Cued Speech in homes, professional therapies or at school in bilingual settings.


National Cued Speech Association (USA)

The National Cued Speech Association supports effective communication, language development and literacy in families with deaf, hard of hearing or learning disabled infants, children and youth through the use of Cued Speech.

Our Patrons: Clients

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©2020 All rights reserved by the Académie Internationale Soutenant les Adaptations du «Cued».
Cue charts are free to download for personal use or distribution for instructional purposes. Charts may not be posted online.

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